The Best Exterior Palm Tree – Canary Island Date Palm – Phoenix Canariensis

July 21, 2023 0 By admin

Canary Island Dates are also widely known as the Pineapple Palm. The palm tree is easily recognized through it’s crown of leaves and trunk characteristics. When they are pruned properly, the bottom of the crown, also called the nut, appears to have a pineapple shape. It’s not uncommon to see Pineapple palms, pruned and trimmed to enhance the appearance. Many people consider pruning as defacing and lessening the appearance of the tree. The trunk of the Canary Island Date palm is very recognizable because of its diamond shaped ridges which cover most of trunk.

These ridges appear more prominently as the buy palm trees in NY matures through scarring of old leaves which have fallen off. As the palm matures, the once small unnoticeable trunk now becomes noticeable. The Canary Island Date palm is also known scientifically as Phoenix canariensis and is from the Canary Islands, which are located off the coast of Africa. The average height that the Phoenix canariensis palm grows is between 50 to 60 feet. The Pineapple palm flowers late spring early summer and has numerous orange seeds which ensure its population.

The Canary Island Date has 10 to 15 feet long green leaves that create a stunning crown look. The support for the immense crownshaft is by the massive trunk which is largely appealing. The Canary Island Date palm thrives in acidic soil conditions and full sun. The Canary Date palm is a grand statement for any home, business, or corporate center.

For more in depth information about the Canary palm, such as natural habitat, Palm Height, Palm Spread, Palm Speed of growth, Salt Toleration, and types of soil, please visit palm-blog section.

Canary Island Date Palm Tree Environmental Impact:

Canary Date palm is a beautiful addition to any large yard or garden. However in New Zealand, the Canary Island Date palm tree is known as a “sleeper weed” and has invaded special areas of native habitation growth. Some of these special areas are delicate mangroves and unstable rainforests. The reason the Canary Island Date palm is known as a “sleeper weed” is because its ability to blend into the surroundings as vegetation and is noticed too late to be easily pulled up out of the ground. The wide-spread and not so eco-friendly numbers of the palm is caused by the wildlife which eat the fruit from either the stalk or when fallen on the ground.

Canary Island Date Palm Transplanting:

If not properly done, transplanting is known to kill the palm. The Pineapple palm needs to be healthy, fertilized, and green before transplanting for a greater success rate. Transplanting should be limited to growth needs and should be carefully thought out. The average height the Pineapple Palm is between 50 to 60 feet and the trunk is 2 to 4 feet in diameter. Before transplanting, make sure there is ample space for the growth of the palm tree and that when pulled out of its spot the roots stay intact together.

Also, when planted in partial sun, the growth of the Date Palm tree will be stunted and extra maintenance will be needed for it to receive the proper nutrition. Make sure the hole which is dug for the palm is one to two feet larger than the root ball. Also, to ease the transplant shock, add Mycohorrizal fungi to the side of the root ball before putting the root ball in the hole. After placing the rootball in the hole, ensure that no part of the trunk is buried in the dirt.